弊社では通信販売は行っておりません。是非、最寄りのデパートの催事にいらしていただき、楽しみながらチーズをお選びください。 販売員一同、皆様のお越しを心よりお待ちいたしております。
We are qualified to recommend to you, after careful consultation, what kind of cheese are good with what kind of cuisine.We offer our professional advice in sales to various restaurants, Japanese restaurants and enterprises. We offer our expertise to Japanese department stores, telling the customers the stories and nature of the various cheeses, while tasting these cheeses. We also advice on how these cheeses can be preserved, the best way to cut it. We also provide you with recipes and how to serve it as part of a dish or with a meal and what choice of wine will compliment the cheese.
(Mail Order System)
We heartily apologize for our lack of a mail-order system. Please pay a visit to one our special events ‘Saiji’ at the department store in your area. Come and enjoy the taste of our Japanese natural taste cheeses of your own choice. We are looking forward to serve you and to listen to your inquiries.