店名のFromage d’Orは「黄金のチーズ」を意味し、「価値のある希少なチーズ」をお届けしたいとの思いから名づけました。
代表取締役 平井富江(チーズプロフェッショナル・ソムリエ・利き酒師)
Fromage d’Or means ‘Golden Cheese’ in French, with this name we hope to introduce to you the rich, diverse and rare cheeses of our local area in Hokkaido, northern Japan.
We are proud to announce that we have many diverse factories that produce handmade, quality and natural cheese. Hokkaido prefecture is famous for its dairy farms and our cheese makers specialize in good natural tasting cheese and cheese products.
Fromage d’Or would like to introduce the local Japanese specialize cheese products, the history and unique story of each cheese maker and their products, their policy and their achievements.
We hope as you become aware of and start to learn more of what we have to offer. That soon you will grow to love us and together we can experience more ofwhat Fromage d`Or has to offer you.Our motto and thought is to introduce ourfriends and customers to a rich and safe and tasteful natural cheese experience our Japanese factories has to offer.
It will leave you with enrichment and appreciation of our Japanese food culture.
Our Representative Director Ms. Tomie Hirai- Professional in Cheese, Sommelier and Sake Advisor